Understanding Your Electorate

Your campaign depends on voters knowing and understanding that you are working for them. With our launch of enhanced voter file data in VAN, you have a lot of new tools to understand your electorate. Here are two important steps you need to take now:

Start Walking Now (using VAN): It is crucial to start talking to your voters now and listening to them and what issues they care about most. If you’re not in VAN yet or have any questions, reach out to Jake at jjackson@ridemocrats.org. The easiest way to get door-knocking using VAN is using MiniVAN, VAN’s phone app you can download right now. Create a list of all your likely voters using the Targets in VAN (& ideally your past Field data as well) and create a Distributed Contacts Campaign (see video guide here: ​​
help.ngpvan.com/van/s/article/Video-Distributed-Contacts-in-MiniVAN). Whenever, wherever you are in your district, you can get the nearest ~40+ doors from your Targeted list and start talking with your key voters, and be sure to record your canvassing data in MiniVAN as you go.

Understand your electorate: Nothing beats talking directly with your constituents, but you also can and should use VAN to get a thousand-foot view of your constituency. If you’re not in VAN yet or have any questions, reach out to Jake at jjackson@ridemocrats.org. Create a List of your whole district, and create a List of likely voters with the “Targets” criteria in VAN. For each, use the “Counts” button after running your search to see counts of voters by Party, Age, Ethnicity, modeled support, modeled issue stances, etc.

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